And Put a Bob In The Juke Box

Now don't let the site name fool you, this not just about the music, though it
will play a very large part. This about pop culture in general, more specifically it is about British pop culture from 1955
up to 1970, with a prime focus on the The British Beat Explosion from 1963 to 1966. On another of our websites, we're covering
this era from the Birmingham view-point, now it's time, we feel, to see what was going on in other parts of Britain, as far as local bands were concerned.
Much has already been written about The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, of course, so although we'll mention them in passing,
we'll not be dwelling on them overly, though links will be provided, as with everything else, to appropriate sites for that
era, where possible. As we said right, off the top, this not just about the music, it's books it's radio, it's television,
or as the headline reads, the whole damn thing. Jam sandwiches indeed...oh have one why don't you...and a cup of tea...sit
back and ......let's get on with it......
Oh....yes, that is the Birmingham band, The Move, that you see, as well as a contemporary picture of
their lead singer, Carl Wayne, who as you may know, was , until his untimely death, the lead singer for The Hollies, it's a good place to start, as always......
Love and Mercy
videos courtesey of the YouTube website are now to be found on the Cliff Richard and Shadows pages.

it was packed. it was hot.
it was rockin'! it was also
very, very small.
Ian Samwell tells the story
a seriously sentimental celebration
of the 'classic' Italian-styled
Formica cafe/coffee bar dating from
the early and middle part of the
20th century.
This Site Is Best Viewed
With A Bacon Sandwich
And A Mug Of Tea
British Blues from the 1960's on
now this is a great archival find
look at some of the names
not British we know, but part
of the abiding memory of the era
of course you knew they'd find
their way in somehow, and
very nice it is to see them.
(these are high-definition photographs
so they may take a few moments to
load, depending on the speed of your
the British record charts
from 40+ years ago
the artists,the UK charts
1963-66, "Mersey Beat"
Readers' Polls 1961-63
and much, much more
a very comprehensive
website indeed
It all began in the early
1950's in England.
some teenagers gangs appeared
in the East End of London;
they were called the Cosh boys.
It was very easy to recognise
them. they wore a very
special rig : long jacket with
velvet collar and cuffs, drain-pipe
trousers that had been
fashionable during the reign of
Edward VII (1901-1910),

. |
this from BBC Scotland
and jolly good they are too!
sam-and-lizzie are not responsible
for the content of external links
except our own of course